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Purchasing Partners

Office Depot® and LaMATS Purchasing Services (LPS) have partnered to provide exclusive benefits and deep discounts on common office products to LMA members.
With 7 retail outlets in the state's northern tier, there's bound to be a convenient location near you! 
This exclusive LPS agreement provides Louisiana municipalities tax exempt pricing, curated products and services, members-only discounts in online shopping and at any retail location with your LPS Store Purchasing Card.

A Sound Policy

For more than two decades, LaMATS has offered a valuable service to help municipalities receive their due insurance premium taxes (IPT) to the tune of over $300 million so far! More than 30 municipalities in the state's Northeast (and over 200 statewide) entrust LaMATS to handle all facets of IPT collection. This service is proven to increase collections, streamline the process, and significantly reduce delinquent tax payments from insurance companies. The insurance industry appreciates that there is a single collection point for municipalities, because it saves them time and money when making their annual payment.

“Rayville has seen a tremendous benefit from the LaMATS IPT program over the years. Not only has the program captured much-needed revenues for our community, but our municipal staff greatly appreaciates the assistance LaMATS provides overseeing this complex process." 


Mayor Harry Lewis,

LMA President


Big on Benefit

The Village of Athens leverages many of LaMATS signature programs, including LPS to purchase and equip public safety vehicles and IPT to collect their local insurance premium taxes, saving money and staff effort to the betterment of village government administration.

"We turn to LaMATS and the LMA to solve any problem. We're grateful to LaMATS especially for help with recent procurement efforts and the reliable IPT collection service, and thank LMA every day for our new computer and website."


Mayor Ann Brown,

Village of Athens

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