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Thank You from LaMATS

LaMATS sends appreciation to all the friends and colleagues who stopped by our table and attended our presentations at last week’s LMA Mid-Winter Conference. It was great to see your smiling faces! As our lives return to something more like normal, with the pandemic (mostly) behind us, we hope you'll share our excitement for the programs and services we're providing in 2022.

Our Brownfield partnerships are really taking off this year and ready to get your communities clean and back in business. We know the franchise fee audit service will have a tremendous positive impact on revenues, and that the Cooperative Purchasing Commission (LACPC) will revolutionize municipal procurement.

Thanks to those who’ve been reaching out about these and other LaMATS services. Let’s get together in person (now that we can!) and discuss how LaMATS can Inform, Support and Empower your Louisiana community! Contact Executive Director Cliff Palmer today at


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