LaMATS Board Elects New Officers
From left: President Mayor David C. Butler II (Woodworth), Vice President Mayor Michael Chauffe (Grosse Tete), Secretary/Treasurer Mayor Darnell Waites (Baker), and Immediate Past-President Councilman Nathan Martin (Pineville)
At the Wednesday, July 31, quarterly meeting of the LaMATS Board of Directors, members re-elected Woodworth Mayor David C. Butler, II, as President; Grosse Tete Mayor Michael Chauffe as Vice President; Baker Mayor Darnell Waites as Secretary/Treasurer; and Pineville Councilman Nathan Martin as Immediate Past-President.
The full slate of LaMATS Board members was also ratified by the LMA Board of Directors at its regular meeting the following day. The additional LaMATS Board members ratified were: Mayor Rick Allen (Leesville); Councilwoman Lisa Aymond (Woodworth); Councilman Johnny Berthelot (Gonzales); Mayor David Camardelle (Grand Isle); Mayor Derrick Johnson Sr. (Cheneyville); Mayor Mike Kloesel (Kaplan); Mayor Harry Lewis (Rayville); Councilman Vernon "Step" Martin (Crowley); Mayor O'Landis Millican (Arcadia); Mayor Chuck Robichaux (Rayne); and Mayor Gail Wilking (Ball).