Low-Cost Backhoe Available to Louisiana Municipalities
The Town of Vivian is offering a surplus Case backhoe in good working order to any Louisiana municipality or local government in need....
LMCA President Arceneaux Joins LaMATS Board
Continuing the longtime representation of Municipal Clerks on the LaMATS Board of Directors, Louisiana Municipal Clerks Association...
LaMATS Board Elects New Officers
From left: President Mayor David C. Butler II (Woodworth), Vice President Mayor Michael Chauffe (Grosse Tete), Secretary/Treasurer Mayor...
Training Supports Town of Ferriday's New Leadership
LaMATS Executive Director Cliff Palmer represented the LMA, RMI, and LAMATS on Tuesday, July 16, in a Louisiana Legislative Auditor-led...
Gonzales Surplus Vehicles on Offer
Prior to next week's posting of numerous surplus vehicles to a national online registry, the City of Gonzales would like to inform...
LaMATS Toasts Mayor David Butler
Family, friends, and colleagues of LaMATS President and Woodworth Mayor David C. Butler, II helped celebrate his 80th birthday (July...
GovCap Wins for Gibsland
LaMATS has teamed with the financing experts at Government Capital Corp. to provide budget-friendly financing on moveable property...
Precision Concrete Cutting Reduces Hazards and Costs
The LaMATS preferred vendor for sidewalk repair services, Precision Concrete Cutting of Louisiana, offers local governments and school...
LaMATS Celebrates Flag Day
Celebrated every June 14 in the United States, Flag Day commemorates the adoption of the "Stars and Stripes" design of the American flag...
LaMATS Congrats Walker Police Chief
Our constituents are important to us, which is why we keep an eye out for stories related to Louisiana's municipal police departments....