SurveyNavigator Webinar Now Available

A well-attended April 26 webinar hosted by LaMATS and presented by TL Cox, Executive Vice President at Springsted, outlined many of the features and uses of the company's revamped SurveyNavigator™ online salary and benefits tool.

SurveyNavigator™ provides the most complete and current information on municipal salary ranges in Louisiana and is made available to LMA members free of charge through underwriting by LaMATS.
Members on the April 26 call learned how to access the site via their individual login credentials and to submit and view data in numerous ways that can ease the process of hiring and reviewing personnel across more than 65 common municipal positions.
After watching the webinar, please complete the 2018 survey process by visiting: A copy of your coordinator login credentials will be emailed to you soon; please contact TL Cox at or (469) 515-0646 if your own credentials do not arrive in an email over the next few days.
Your participation in the survey is extremely important to local governments across Louisiana. Providing your information not only gives elected officials the essential data they need to make critical human resources decisions, it also minimizes the time you have to spend responding to similar questions from your peers in other municipalities.
Thank you so much for your participation in last week's webinar and for your kind assistance with this important service to LMA members!
(Images: Webinar screenshots detailing salary reporting features of the SurveyNavigator system)