Surplus Police Vehicles Available to Munis
LaMATS has listed on behalf of the City of Bogalusa three (3) Chevrolet Impalas in running condition (one needs new battery) recently used by the Bogalusa Police Department. Two are bronze, year model 2006, and one is black, year model 2012.
View advertisement (published Wed., Feb 17th at 4:11 pm UTC) here.
Bids are due by 03/25/2021 at 11:00 AM. Interested bidders may contact Wendall O'Berry at 985-732-6238, EXT. 236, for additional information on the vehicles.
NOTE: If you are a Louisiana Local Government or Police Agency, the City of Bogalusa will immediately accept the minimum price (Bluebook Value), with no bidding necessary. Contact Paul Holmes at 225-678-6107 if you are a Louisiana Municipality or Police Agency wishing to inquire.
