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LaMATS Publishes Municipal Procurement Guide

Procurement in Louisiana, a Guide to Local Government Procurement and Competition is a free, 16-page tutorial covering the procedures and best practices for purchasing goods and services at the municipal and parish level.

The new guide is published by the Louisiana Municipal Advisory and Technical Services Bureau (LaMATS), an arm of the Louisiana Municipal Association (LMA), and is available for download in PDF at the LaMATS website. Selected sections include: Monetary Thresholds and Competition; Sealed Bids; Specifications; and Mandated E-procurement Systems.

The document’s release follows the January 2017 launch of the LaMATS BidBoard Procurement Network, an online platform that provides local government efficient means to conduct reverse auctions, cooperative purchasing and gain access to discount “shopping” contracts.

According to LaMATS Procurement Director, Paul Holmes, fostering efficient competition is key to lowering procurement costs and providing opportunities to vendors seeking local government business. This guide is an introduction to the competitive process, said Holmes, and “a quick reference for purchasing agents and other municipal leaders to Louisiana’s procurement requirements.”

For more information, contact Paul Holmes.

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