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Westlake Mayor Bob Hardey Named Citizen of the Year

The LMA and its subsidiaries, RMI and LaMATS, wish to congratulate Westlake Mayor Robert “Bob” Hardey for his outstanding public service and recent, well-deserved recognition by the West Calcasieu Chamber of Commerce as Outstanding Citizen of the Year.

The Chamber presents this annual award to a person who has demonstrated excellent citizenship and made meaningful contributions to the people of West Calcasieu. Mayor Hardey received the award at a gala event held in his honor on November 11, 2021 in Sulphur, Louisiana.

From his pioneering work in establishing the Louisiana Small Town podcast series, to facilitating regional educational opportunities, to his years of faithful service on the LMA Executive Board, Mayor Hardey’s commitment to improving the quality of life in southwest Louisiana has been exemplary. “The City of Westlake and entire West Calcasieu community are thankful for Mayor Hardey’s strong leadership through tough times,” said Executive Directors, John Gallagher (LMA), Patrick Cronin (RMI) and Cliff Palmer (LaMATS), who applauded Mayor Hardey for selflessly sharing his talents and dedication to the LMA as District G Vice President.

Ronnie Johns, the former Louisiana State Senator (District 27), praised Mayor Hardey in a public statement, saying: “Over my twenty two years of serving S.W. La. in the Louisiana Legislature, I have had the privilege of working with many great Mayors. None of them have served their community better than Bob Hardey… The people of Westlake are indeed so fortunate to have someone with the integrity, work ethic, vision, and commitment to doing the right thing leading them in his capacity as Mayor.”

The LMA joins all the citizens of West Calcasieu in thanking Mayor Hardey and wishing him continued strength and success in his life and service.

Pictured: Mayor Robert "Bob" Hardey and Westlake First Lady Jan Hardey at the West Calcasieu Chamber of Commerce Award Ceremony.


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